- Industry
Fueling digital transformation in experiential marketing through new technological experiences. Discover the creative thinking and smart solutions for the events industry deployed by Enseur.What we Do
Helping to master the attendee’s journey
Rampant innovation. Disruptive new technologies and business models. In event industry, a digital-transformed future in inevitable. But our experience shows that many organizations have yet to fully exploit the power of digital transformation.Capabilities
Platform Development
Know who your most loyal customers are and build your business around them
Digital Video
From using data-driven insights to launch teaser and work with the companies to dissimilate information in more interesting manner
Intelligent Advertising Service
Our integrated approach with advanced digital marketing and omni- channel promotional automation, help provide grow and scale their business
Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality
From conceptualizing the content to executing seamless digital experience at events, Enseur has the bandwidth to add the Wow factor to your next event